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Providing Local Services to Businesses in Bucks County, Northeast Philadelphia and Surrounding Areas 

Call Center Headset


Moving From Land Lines to IP Phones

Copper landlines from the phone company or your internet company are often expensive and don’t offer much more than basic features like voicemail, call waiting, call forwarding. An IP phone system has 100 times the features and lives on the internet. We can help you set it all up the way your business needs. 

Some of the common features IP Phones offer are:
•    Multi-level menus
•    Phone numbers that can be easily added or changed
•    Departments and groups that you need can be setup
•    Calls can go to phones, departments, cells, etc.
•    Voicemails can go to email, cells or your PC
•    Lots of reports with call details and usage
•    Call recording, call listening, coaching, etc.
•    Send and receive text messages and faxes
•    And much, much more

Switching from phone lines provided by the phone company or your internet provider does not mean getting a new phone number (unless you want new phone numbers). Phone numbers can often be safely and securely ported from the phone company or ISP to a VOIP (voice over IP) service safely and securely. It's also worth mentioning that depending on the number of phone numbers you now have, making the switch can also save you money in addition to the man, many features that you would have by switching.

We've set up IP phone systems that are both cloud based as well as on the premises. A smaller office only needed 5 phones and had very specific needs about how they wanted their calls and phones to work. Another local business is a 120+ seat call center. It involved numerous groups, call routing rules, lots of inbound phone numbers, reporting, monitoring and headsets. It’s worth mentioning that many IP phone systems also allow some level of integration with existing computer software or have their own web or desktop software with many useful features.


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